My books

  1. Теория безмассового взаимодействия

    The book presents the structure of an inseparaible energy space, from which visible mass matter (protons, electrons, neutrons, antimatter) may have been formed. Dark matter is considered as the original energy state, which is essentially water. The book presents arguments about the structure of dark matter as primordial water and about the role of man in this space.

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  2. Сборник статей по организации водно-химического режима теплоэнергообъектов

    The book contains articles from my website in a revised and edited version. The sequence of submission of articles in the book, in my opinion, is the most optimal for understanding the essence of the water-chemical mode.

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  3. Натан, или история о том, как Натрий счастье искал

    The smallest particles dissolved in water are called cations and anions. They are attracted to each other. Just like people. If we imagine that cations are men and anions are women, then their interaction is in many ways similar to the relationship between people. Sodium works in the office, and Chloride delivers pizza. This is the reality of that world. The novel examines the issue of love and selfishness as a contradiction that worries everyone, and how this contradiction is resolved by ions.

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  4. Сборник притч и рассказов

    The collection of parables and stories is written in order to trace how the characters will behave if they realize the continuity of the relationship environment. The collection presents a wide variety of circumstances and characters: from the Middle Ages and insects to the future and dragons. Each parable and story reveals how the choice of a character affects his fate.

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  5. Сборник стихов «От себя, к себе»

    Poems about how to find yourself whole and one with yourself and with everyone

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  6. Сборник рассказов «Коэффициент человечности»

    Life began with someone’s good will. How do you understand that your will is really good, that we are really alive in this material, at first glance, self-sufficient world? The heroes of the short stories in the collection “The Coefficient of Humanity” will try to answer this question.

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  7. The Theory of massless matter

    The seventh book is the most difficult to be born, but such an interesting one: “The Theory of massless matter”.

    I finally managed to understand:

    – how the original space is arranged. To reveal the quantum of the field of the original space, what it consists of and how it interacts with mass matter;

    – to understand the physical meaning of gravity and the electromagnetic field. To make calculations of orbits based on the quantum of the original space;

    – to understand the structure of the atom;

    – to answer the question, what is a Human being and what is the nature of consciousness;

    – to present a vision of the foundations of the life of a social society based on the structure of the original space.

    After reading this book and perceiving it, you can suddenly find yourself looking at many things from a slightly different angle. This will greatly expand your understanding of the world around you and yourself in this world

    That’s what studying liquid water and its properties can bring a person to!

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