
The seventh book is the most difficult to be born, but such an interesting one: “The Theory of massless matter”

The seventh book is the most difficult to be born, but such an interesting one: “The Theory of massless matter”

I finally managed to understand: – how the original space is arranged. To reveal the quantum of the field of the original space, what it consists of and how it interacts with mass matter; – to understand the physical meaning of gravity and the electromagnetic field. To make calculations of orbits based on the quantum […]

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New section on the website

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Features of the use of sodium bisulfite in the water treatment of steam boilers

Features of the use of sodium bisulfite in the water treatment of steam boilers

Ivan Tikhonov The article discusses the serious consequences of incorrect application of sodium bisulfite solution in a steam boiler room. Sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3) in water treatment is usually used for chemical binding of oxygen in the treated water. Sodium bisulfite attaches oxygen and becomes sodium bisulfate. In the presence of alkali, bisulfate transforms into sodium […]

What is water (Primordial water)?

What is water (Primordial water)?

Ivan Tikhonov The concept of water is very simple and difficult at the same time. You can talk about water in a chemical and philosophical sense. Moreover, in a philosophical sense, one can come to much more significant conclusions than in a chemical one. From the point of view of chemistry, water is a dipole […]

Hydrogen sulfide in water

Hydrogen sulfide in water

About six months ago, my friends asked me to help determine what water treatment system to chose for a private house. The source of water supply is a 40 meters deep-well. Initially, I assumed that the water will have a composition inherent to groundwater. So, the well is considered to be artesian if it has […]

My first article

My first article

At last i’ve opened my site
