Can Water be the basis of everything?
Water is simple and difficult at the same time. It can be discussed in a physico-chemical and philosophical sense. Moreover, in the philosophical sense, it is possible to come to no less significant conclusions than in the chemical sense.
From the point of view of chemistry, water is a dipole molecule of two ions: hydrogen (H+) and hydrate (OH—), which contains hydrogen and oxygen in its composition. Dipole, because there is a difference in the electronegativity of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The electronegativity value of oxygen is greater than that of hydrogen. The charges of the atoms are compensated, but at the same time the electrons tend to the oxygen atom. Therefore, the oxygen atom receives a surface negative charge, and the hydrogen atom receives a surface positive charge. Accordingly, one water molecule attracts other water molecules to itself and as a result, we all get the usual liquid water. Continuous and infinite, while consisting of individual molecules.
There is something attractive in this dualism, which can be called a discrete-continuous state of space energy.
This state of space energy permeates everywhere. It fills everything. This state does not allow emptiness. In this state of space energy, everything is dissolved. Including people. It’s like the fish in the water, who live in it and at its expense, but are not yet fully aware of it.
Water connects us all. Please do not pollute the water. It’s shared. Water pollution is bound to have a negative impact on everyone, including yourself.
Love water. Work with her for the benefit of others through the benefit of yourself.
So can Water be the basis of everything?
I think it can. I propose to speculate on this topic.
Let’s assume that there is a discrete-continuous state of space energy, which is the older brother or sister of the water we are all familiar with. Water is the youngest and very beloved sister of this state of space energy, which determines the development of everything.
And people are dissolved in this state of space energy. People are unique. They sort of complete the evolutionary cycle. They interact with this space (or let’s call it primordial water) through the brain and through the proton-electron pairs of the body. I.e., the primordial water forms the body. At the same time, the brain of this body creates a consciousness that comes into contact with the same primordial water, already controlling the state of the primordial water. At the same time, configuring for their own purposes, taking into account universal harmony. The proton-electron pairs of the body determine the mass and inertia of the body when interacting with the primordial water, and the brain creates complex electromagnetic fields that interact with the field of the original general discrete-continuous state of space energy and probably form something similar to waves. The more sensitive, developed and harmonious a person is, the more complex, harmonious and stable the waves created by him in this space of the primordial water. Moreover, a person, his consciousness, and soul are these waves that he was able to create during his physical life. These waves are the personality of a person. A person who has made noticeable, complex, harmonious, individual waves will exist forever and enjoy harmony forever, because waves always exist and can only be absorbed by the shore. But there are no shores in that space. Only the primordial water.
This can be imagined as a lot of people sitting in the water and hitting it with their palms. Someone will be able to create a harmonious orchestra of waves in their lifetime, and someone will only ripple. Don’t be a ripple. Living forever in ripples is so boring. When there is no body, the waves probably cannot be changed. Although there should always be hope. Let’s assume that it is possible. But the physics of this process is not yet available.
I wrote this in order to try to comprehend once again the value of water and the value of life.
This is a philosophical perception of the primordial water or a discrete-continuous state of the energy of space. Now I propose to consider the essence of the primordial water at the physico-chemical level, taking as a basis the presented philosophical arguments.
Let’s try to imagine, by analogy with the ordinary water, what kind of structure the primordial water should have.
First, the ordinary water has two poles that tend to attract each other. The hydrogen cation tends to be attracted to the hydrate anion. For example, if you take a stretched string and pull it aside, exerting some effort, and then let go, then the country will strive to return to its original state. If we imagine that even space itself does not exist yet, then any application of efforts to get away from a certain zero point will require its compensation. Therefore, when an effort is applied, two energies will be created at once. The energy of applying effort and the energy of compensating this effort. These energies will be quantitatively equal and opposite in the direction of application of the force. If you stop making an effort, then these two energies will simply be mutually destroyed with a splash of energy. The collapse will occur at the zero point.
Figure 1 shows the process of obtaining energy with a negative and positive direction, if we count from the initial zero state.
Figure 1
But the water molecule does not disappear with a splash of energy. The ions of the water molecule tend to attract each other and form a kind of minimal discreteness or cluster, but they are not mutually destroyed. So for the scheme in Figure 1, we must add some kind of partition that will keep the plus and minus energy from collapsing.
Let’s make two partitions, one on the plus side and one on the minus side. And we will make a lot of such partitions so that our conditional string does not bend, but has a straight line. The result is the construction shown in Figure 2. This figure shows three similar structures or three water molecules at once.
Figure 2
Looking at the resulting scheme, it becomes clear that our structures do not interact with each other, but water molecules interact. How can we make our constructions interact? You just need to shift the restraining partition a little and increase the amount of plus energy. Now there is a small excess of plus energy, and a small lack of minus energy, respectively, to compensate for the plus. Since all the structures are the same, they will begin to attract each other. The result is a space similar to the most ordinary water. At the same time, the plus of each design will tend to the minus not only of its own design, but also of others. A minus sign will also behave. Therefore, the rotation of each structure around its own initial zero state will be obtained. And each rotating structure will be attracted to the other. Moreover, the force of attraction between the structures will be much weaker than the force of attraction inside the structure itself and it will be equal to the difference between the positive and negative partitions. The result is a discretely continuous state of energy in space, or the original unified field, or simply the primordial water. The scheme of the primordial water is shown in Figure 3. Interestingly, the rotating structure, or let’s call it a separate energy state, will look like a DNA double helix.
Figure 3
We have received the original discrete-continuous energy space, but how can we get the basis of material nature from this space, i.e. proton-electron pairs?
Let’s mark three nodal points on a separate energy state. In the figure, these three points are the intersections of the plus and minus energy lines with the partitions (point 1, 2), as well as the intersection point of the two partitions (point 3).
Now it’s a small matter. It remains to make a big bang and start the processes of material evolution. How do I launch it? It is probably necessary to make an effort and compress some of the isolated energy states so that the partition with less energy flies out into the space of the primordial water, because it is more difficult to knock out the partition with more energy from the isolated state. As a result of this process, we get an incomplete energy state. Now turning to physics, we can say that the proton is the area of interaction between the positive partition and the plus energy (point 1), and the electron is the minus energy area corresponding to the plus energy, but without the minus partition. The process of obtaining a proton and an electron (proton-electron pair) is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4
In physics, it is customary to call a minus partition a neutrino, and, accordingly, a plus antineutrino. This can explain why a lot of neutrinos were formed after the big bang. Using similar logic, we can say that a proton is a strong interaction of a positron and an antineutrino. The positron cannot mutually destroy itself with an electron due to the presence of an antineutrine partition, which is rigidly connected to the positron.
The following conditions must be maintained for the existence of the primordial water:
ΰе>ʋе ,
при этом е+ = ΰе , е– = ʋе ,
е+ > е– ,
w = ΰе -ʋе = е+ – е–
ΰe – The energy of the antineutrino partition,
ʋе – the energy of the neutrino partition,
е+ – the plus energy is equal to the energy of the antineutrino of the partition,
е– – the minus energy, equal to the energy of the neutrino partition,
w – the energy of interaction between isolated energy states.
Now it is necessary to ask the question, what are the containment partitions, if in relation to the primordial water we can only talk about energy?
The principle of struts can be applied here. Let’s look at Figure 5.
Figure 5
The strut system ensures the stable existence of a separate energy state. To do this, it is necessary to make the partition on the side of the minus energy positive, and on the side of the plus energy negative. Accordingly, the partitions will be attracted to each other, but at the same time the partitions will also be attracted to their energy poles. In this case, the poles themselves will be attracted to each other. In this case, the attraction of the plus partition and the energy of the plus, and accordingly the same for the minus, only strengthen the structure. It turns out to be a stable structure that does not require constant effort for its existence. But still, the effort is required in order for the plus energy to be slightly more than the minus energy. Only when this condition is fulfilled will a discretely continuous space of energy or the primordial water be formed.
Figure 5 also shows an incomplete cluster for comparison with a full-fledged one. A cluster is understood to be the minimum component of a separate energy state. An incomplete cluster is obtained after removing the neutrino partition (the partition with the lowest energy) from a full-fledged cluster. The result is a proton-an electron pair that makes up all mass matter. In this case, the positron is rigidly connected to the antineutrine partition and is a heavy proton, and the electron is a “piece” of negative energy, the charge of which is equal to the charge of the positron, but the mass is much less. The partition does not allow the positron and electron to be annihilated. But at the same time, another important process is taking place. The partition that was in a full-fledged anti-neutrino cluster in an incomplete cluster is divided into two equal partitions, according to the principle of a full-fledged cluster. This ensures the equality of the charges of the positron and electron and their existence without the application of constant force (energy).
An incomplete cluster differs from a full-fledged one primarily by its smaller size, which means lower energy, and most importantly, by the fact that the electron is not rigidly connected to the antineutrine partition. Therefore, when an external force is applied or, turning to physics, an external electromagnetic field, an electron can be removed from a proton. In this case, the charges of the positron and electron will not increase mutually. Because they are not in the structure of a separate energy state, and the “delay” of one energy point does not entail the delay of the entire “string”. Therefore, an electron and a proton can be removed at any distance from each other, without changing the magnitude of their charge in any way. But an electron cannot approach a proton closer than the distance of the antineutrine partition. Only a thermonuclear reaction is capable of halving the antineutrine partition to produce a neutron and, accordingly, heavier elements.
Due to the fact that the incomplete cluster constantly experiences electromagnetic interaction with the primordial water, it tends to form a connection with the same incomplete cluster. In chemistry, this process is called covalent bond formation.
Obviously, the proton-electron pair continues to be affected by the primordial water. It attracts them with a certain force, while the electron is located at a slight distance from the antineutrine partition under the influence of the primordial water. To form a more robust structure, a proton-electron pair (an incomplete cluster) finds the same cluster and forms a covalent bond. Covalent bonding also occurs according to the strut principle (Figure 6). The positron of one pair attracts the electron of the other pair, while the electrons themselves push apart, but are attracted to both their own and someone else’s positron. There is a system of struts that compensates for the interaction with the primordial water. In a given compound or pseudo-complete cluster, the electron can no longer be removed from the proton. It turns out to be a relatively stable design. At the same time, the electromagnetic interaction with the primordial water disappears. In chemistry, it is customary to say that all electronic orbitals are filled. Two proton-electron pairs are hydrogen gas. Leaving the electromagnetic interaction with the primordial water, hydrogen gas becomes more susceptible to gravitational interaction, which, like the electromagnetic interaction, is transmitted through the primordial water.
Hydrogen gas, rotating over time, creates a whirlpool in the primordial water, where in the center of this whirlpool it begins to be subjected to enormous pressure. The entire mass of energy involved in the whirlpool of the primordial water presses on the center of the whirlpool. As a result, the covalent bond of hydrogen gas is destroyed and a thermonuclear reaction occurs. After the compression of two proton-electron pairs, a positron and a part of the partition called a neutrino are ejected. As a result, a neutron is formed from one proton, which is a kind of connecting bridge between two protons. A neutron contains an electron and an antineutrino partition. At the same time, it can only exist for the connection between two protons. As soon as a neutron is left without protons, it decays with the release of an electron and an antineutrino. As a result, a proton remains, which initially participated in the thermonuclear reaction to produce a neutron. This process is described in more detail in [1].
Figure 6
Assuming that mass matter (proton-electron pairs) was formed from the primordial water in the described way, one can imagine what a proton-electron pair looks like in the process of interaction with the primordial water (Proton-electron pairs always interact with the primordial water. It determines their properties and behavior, as well as the properties and behavior of all mass matter).
Probably, the proton-electron pair looks like a sphere that has two oppositely charged poles that are oriented clearly opposite each other (Figure 7). In an effort to reach each other and mutually destroy themselves, they are trying to circumvent the antineutrine partition that holds them back, remaining from a full-fledged cluster and divided into neutrinos and antineutrinos of an incomplete cluster (proton-electron pair). Therefore, a sphere should be formed at one pole of which there is a center of positive charge, at the other pole there is a center of negative charge. The poles are oriented strictly opposite to each other. The sphere itself contains both a positive and a negative charge. But remember that the retaining partition is rigidly connected to the proton. Therefore, a proton is heavier than an electron. In this case, the electron is slightly separated from the partition by the force of attraction to the primordial water. Figure 7 shows a sketch of a proton-electron pair.
Figure 7
In conclusion.
This structure of the original unified field allows us to explain the presence of all currently known interactions, including gravitational, why there is a centripetal acceleration, seemingly in empty space, the existence of an electromagnetic field, why the universe is expanding, what is antimatter, what is dark matter and dark energy, etc.
Primordial water, like ordinary water, tends to distribute all charged subjects evenly in its space. This principle of uniform distribution of ions in water is presented in the article [2]. This principle can be used to explain why the universe is expanding.
Moreover, the design or principle embedded in the primordial water contains answers to the basic questions of humanity: why we live, how to become happy, and what to do for this.
More detailed information on the topic of the primordial water and its effect on material matter, including on humans, is presented in the work “Theory of massless interaction” [1].
- Теория безмассового взаимодействия/ Иван Тихонов. –[б.м.]: Издательские решения, 2022. – 150 с. Ссылка –
- Ivan Tikhonov. A non-mathematician’s view on the theory of electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions of strong electrolytes: Link –